Unlocking Extraordinary Opportunities: The Power of Blending Unique Skills

Leveraging 12 unique talents to open the door to success

Jashan Kaleka
5 min readAug 9, 2023

In this hyper-competitive world where everyone wants to climb the corporate ladder, make generational wealth, and be famous at the same time. There’s a race to hunt down opportunities like they are prey. The arsenal usually includes an impeccable resume studded with academic achievements, a meticulously revised portfolio, and a well-rehearsed self-introduction speech for every interaction.

Yet, time and again we see people who seem undeserving as per the metrics of accomplishments, steal away opportunities. What seems on the surface is unfairness, yet what they actually have capitalized on is their skills in other unrelated fields that gave them an advantage and seem like a better fit.

I can take myself as an example, there have been times when I have gotten opportunities to work on tech projects because someone saw me at a comedy show. There have been cases where I got invited to networking events, because of an interaction at a tennis game. I even have had a job offered to me after a poetry show, and an offer for collaboration at my gym. All the things I am good at, when put out in the world, have opened doors for new opportunities.

Me pitching my startup idea, combining my performer experience and tech understanding

Here are some unique skills you can leverage:

  1. Embrace Your Performer’s Soul: Being a stand-up comic, a musician, or a dancer may seem unrelated to your desired field, but it’s a treasure trove of skills. Your stage presence, confidence, and ability to engage an audience can make you a compelling communicator and presenter, qualities highly valued in various sectors. Being an effective orator is considered a superpower, especially in sales and marketing, and that too on digital platforms.
  2. Dress for Success: The saying “dress for the job you want” has truth in it. Cultivating a professional appearance demonstrates your commitment to excellence and can set you apart from the crowd. Your personal style can be a unique asset that catches the eye and makes a memorable first impression. Even though formal attire is on the decline, it still indicates effort and taste, and surely makes one stick out of the crowd.
  3. Sportsmanship Beyond the Field: Athletics instill qualities like discipline, teamwork, and perseverance. Translate these traits into your professional life — just as you strive for victory in sports, aim for excellence in your career. Your ability to push boundaries can be a testament to your dedication to growth. At the end of the day ,every company is a team, working towards collective objectives. Highlighting any sports experience and also showing the team-player mindset will make you seem like a great pick.
  4. Culinary Creativity: Your culinary skills may seem like a separate universe, but they can be the spice that flavors your professional journey. The meticulousness required in cooking can translate into attention to detail in any domain, from project management to data analysis. This skill which seemed mundane a few years ago, is impressive both for the intricate understanding it requires and also the time commitment and patience in our fast-paced lives. Showcase this skill by being a host for people in your circle.
  5. Language and Multilingual Mastery: If you’re fluent in multiple languages, you’re a bridge builder. Your ability to connect cultures and communicate effectively positions you as a valuable asset in a globalized world. Translation, cross-cultural communication, and international relations become realms where your skills shine. This almost is a cheat code to be instantly useful at any workplace that has a diverse pool of employees, let alone opening up opportunities to connect with even more people.
  6. Artistic Alchemy: Your artistic prowess, whether in painting, photography, or graphic design, is a canvas of innovation. Use your creative eye to envision solutions, design presentations that captivate, and convey complex concepts visually. Your artistry transforms data into insights and ideas into realities. A tasteful perspective is something that is becoming a rarity, yet the demand and appreciation for it are going up.
  7. Tech and the Performer’s Heart: Combining tech skills with a performer’s heart creates a dynamic fusion. If you’re a coder with a passion for theatre, you might excel at developing interactive experiences or gamified applications. Your ability to meld logic with creativity opens doors in the world of user experience design.
  8. Volunteerism and Social Impact: Your commitment to volunteering can act as a bridge to opportunities. Non-profit organizations value individuals who are dedicated to social impact. Skills acquired through volunteering, such as event planning, teamwork, and community engagement, can seamlessly translate into the professional arena. It also shows to a degree your compassion towards things outside financial gains.
  9. Bridging Generational Gaps: If you’re adept with technology and also possess strong interpersonal skills, you can serve as a bridge between different generations. Help colleagues adapt to new technologies while respecting their experience. Your ability to understand both sides of the coin is a rare and valuable trait. Especially when it comes to helping the previous generations transition to newer technologies and methods.
  10. The Power of Being Well-Read: Extensive reading cultivates a well-rounded perspective. Draw parallels between seemingly unrelated subjects. Your ability to connect dots across domains can spark innovative ideas and solutions that others might overlook. It also gives a fair impression, that you have a diverse set of opinions and are open-minded, while being knowledgeable at the same time.
  11. Fitness Beyond the Gym: Regular gym-goers know that fitness transcends physical benefits. Discipline, determination, and resilience cultivated in the gym can seamlessly weave into your professional journey. The commitment you demonstrate to your fitness routine reflects your dedication to personal growth and well-being. These qualities, when transferred to the workplace, signal your readiness to take on challenges and overcome obstacles.
  12. Hobbies that Drive Success: Think hobbies like golf, tennis, or even chess are purely recreational? Think again. These pastimes demand strategic thinking, patience, and concentration — qualities that seamlessly transfer to the professional realm. The networking opportunities that hobbies like golf provide can lead to meaningful connections and collaborations. Even solitary hobbies like gardening or playing a musical instrument can foster creativity that spills into your career, giving you a unique edge.

Remember, regardless of your interests and hobbies, steadfast pursuit inevitably bestows a treasure trove of skills. These not only level the playing field against purely academically superior competitors but also swing open the doors to resounding success. So, embrace your passions and hone your diverse talents — your unique blend is your secret formula for making waves and leaving an indelible mark in a world hungry for innovation and individuality.

Jashan Kaleka



Jashan Kaleka

Starting with my passion for writing here at Medium. To help me improve as a content creator. Topics: Anything that interests me.